Mobile & Web-Based Apps

Web-based applications provide your business with the opportunity to save time and money, and improve the way you interact with customers, suppliers and partners

Our team has the specialized skills required for creating web-based applications that allow your business to effectively utilize the Internet in a variety of ways ranging from enabling your sales team to communicate using the Internet to creating reverse auctions for your suppliers. Our cost-effective web-based applications allow you to cut costs and create new business channels.

Our web-based application development solutions can be customized based on your requirements, please get in touch with us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mobile Applications

Reports from industry analysts like Gartner reveal that there are over 500 million smartphones and tablets in use and this is set to double to over 1 billion by 2015. More and more interactions online occur on mobile devices and it is found that over 40% of smartphone users purchase goods and services online from their phones.

Mobile apps are basically Internet-enabled applications designed to run on smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps allow you to stay in touch with your customers constantly since users carry their mobile phones with them everywhere. Mobile apps can also leverage location-based services to allow you to customize your offerings to customers based on their location.

EasyLink can help you leverage this fast growing market by setting up mobile applications or mobile friendly websites. Our mobile application development team can develop iPhone, Android and Windows Phone native applications. We can also develop platform-independent mobile apps that utilize web technologies.!

Our mobile app development solutions can be customized based on your requirements, please get in touch with us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!