Content Management System (CMS)

Content Management System in short is referred as CMS, it is an application that helps to manage the content on a website with a database. CMS allows collaboration of multiple users to manage a website. Content Management System (CMS) is a framework, which is developed by using custom codes in core PHP. The popularly used frameworks are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Squarespace, Prestashop etc. These frameworks make your content, be it text or images, easier to Add, Delete or Modify. Frameworks are typically a program that governs a set of actions that is predefined to perform.

Why Content Management System (CMS) for your web presence?

If you have a small team to manage your website then a CMS will be a good option. Some points to consider before you decide on a CMS are as listed below

  • Websites that need regular content updation.
  • Are you a portal or a news site?
  • CMS is a DIY (Do-it-yourself) system. If you have a shoestring budget then you can look for a CMS where you can DIY.
  • An e-commerce or shopping site requires a CMS where there will be constant updating of products, price & other terms.

Advantages of CMS

  • CMS is available for free or at a small cost.
  • Quick updating of content.
  • Content and design have separate places.
  • SEO can be managed easily but effectiveness can be questioned.

Disadvantages of CMS

  • Requires version updates which may affect your design layout.
  • Limitations of designing front due to predefined structure or templates.
  • Security risks are a major factor which affects your online presence.
  • Flexibility in SEO is limited and can be managed only by plugins or predefined strictures.