Domain Name

A domain name is similar to your storefront name. A visitor identifies your website with the domain name you register. The domain name enables a computer network that uses IP addresses to identify one computer or another. A domain name represents a unique IP address on the internet that will fetch your website to the visitor when typed on the browser.

Domain names are registered with various registrars that provide the services online through their websites. These are a set of characters that consists of an alpha-numeric combination with only one special character that is acceptable, which is a “-“ (hyphen). A domain should be registered with any of the registrars who are centrally governed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) a universal body. It is unique in a way that you cannot find another website with the same domain name as one.

Top Level Domains (TLDS)

Top Level Domains (TLDs) are the end part of your domain name, example, here the .com is your TLD. The major TLDs are .com, .net, .org, .co, .us TLDs are of two types generic TLDs and country specific TLDs, examples of country specific TLDs are .in,,, .uk, .cn,, etc there are thousands and more of TLDs available which are also known as domain extensions.

While choosing your domain name it is a great start for your online presence which marks the first step towards your online success. At Easy Link we offer the right suggestion that can bring in success to your online presence.

Get your Domains from us & mark your online journey towards a successful growth.


The next step towards your online presence is to look for a hosting provider. These are companies that offer Disk space for keeping your files on the internet that will be fetched for the visitor who intends to see what you are offering. These are called Servers too by way of the name it denotes that they serve your visitors your content that is uploaded to your disk space.

There are various way that you can get your hosting space or servers which are a Cloud based, VPS (Virtual Private Server), Shared hosting, Dedicated Server, Colocation servers, Word press Hosting and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) which is Pay-as-you-go model.

Get in touch with us for more information and we will give you the best hosting solution that will suit your requirement & scale accordingly in case your business grows.